Interactive carnival of science, art, and technology is coming to the Bay Area

Technology Is Not Technology
Image by lgb06

Quote from Sir Ken Robinson during Keynote Speech at PETE&C 2010.

"Technology is not technology if it was invented before you were born"

Created with fd’s Flickr Toys

Original image from yashrg on Flickr

Interactive carnival of science, art, and technology is coming to the Bay Area

STEAM is short for science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics — art is added to the usual “STEM” educational focus in order to help engage kids with music, fashion, and more. The idea is to create an interactive, circus-like event where …
Read more on VentureBeat

5 Ways to Create a Marketing Technology Frankenstein

Marketers have hundreds of marketing technology choices, which can make choosing the right ones for your business overwhelming. Making the right decisions can have huge impact on the future of your brand. Dr. Frankenstein had choices, too. He made …
Read more on CMSWire

CRISPR: The Technology Behind Human Embryo Editing

As U.C. Davis stem cell researcher Paul Knoepfler told me, people suffering from blood diseases like Beta thalassemia and leukemia, could have their blood cells' DNA fixed with the CRISPR technology, and used to grow healthy blood cells to replace the …
Read more on Forbes


Interactive carnival of science, art, and technology is coming to the Bay Area
