World?s Prettiest Lighthouses

Fire was used as alarm at the edge of water to warn ships and boats of dangerous shores and rocks before electricity. Lighthouses originally relied on lamps as a source of light. Until 1822, a Frenchman called Augustin Fesnel invented the first modern lighthouse lens using prisms while the early light could be invisible in a few miles. The lens by Fesnel could light up in both parallel rays and horizontally. Since then, Fresnel lenses have brought dramatical changes in all lighthouses. Nowadays, lighthouses are seen not only the simple beacons for ships and boats, but they become artworks or stunning sculptures in real life. Let\’s travel around the world and visit the prettiest lighthouses.


Nubble Lighthouse, York, Maine

Nubble Lighthouse, also known as Cape Neddick Lighthouse, is situated off shore from Cape Neddick, at the end of Nubble Road in York, Maine. Built in 1879, the youngest lighthouse in Maine has a long history of tourist destination due to its nice view and structure


Umpqua River Lighthouse, Winchester Bay, Oregon

The Umpqua River Lighthouse is 165 feet above the sea level and situated on the Oregon Coast, headland south of Winchester Bay. It is famous for its first-order 616 prisms Fresnel lens.


Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, North Carolina

Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, the tallest lighthouse in America, was built from nearly 1.25 million bricks. The house lights up its beacon every 7 seconds, which helps the ships and boats traveling across “graveyard of the Atlantic, the diamond shoals”.


Torre de Hercules, Galicia, Spain

The only Roman in Spain is the “oldest active lighthouse in the world”. The house looks sturdy and has the height of 185ft.


Beach Lighthouse, Fleetwood, England

Beach Lighthouse, or Lower Light, looks like an octagonal sandstone lantern sitting on the ground.


Kanchanapisek Lighthouse, Promthep Cape, Thailand

Kanchanapisek Lighthouse was built in 1996 and becomes the world’s youngest lighthouse. The gold-topped sculpture is located on the coast of Phuket – the major tourist attraction in Thailand.


St. Mary\’s Lighthouse, Whitley Bay, England

St. Mary\’s Lighthouse is currently not an active lighthouse but a museum, gift shop and visitor’s center instead.


Gibbs Hill, Bermuda

Gibbs Hill is well-known for the world’s oldest cast iron lighthouse. Located between South Shore and Middle Rds, the lighthouse offers tourists breathtaking view of Bermuda shoreline.


Enoshima Lighthouse, Japan

The most feature of the Enoshima lighthouse is a spiral staircase leading from the floor to the top. More interestingly, the lighthouse is lit in completely different colors during the night.


Pigeon Point Lighthouse, Pescadero, California

Pigeon Point Lighthouse currently holds the title “The Tallest Lighthouse in the United States”. Coming to the lighthouse, visitors can be amazed at the 1008 hand-polished lenses.


Burlington Breakwater South Lighthouse, Burlington, Vermont

The Burlington Breakwater Lights was built in 1857 in the Burlington, Vermont Harbor from Lake Champlain.


Sullivan’s island lighthouse, USA

The modern lighthouse in the United States is competitively space-age due to the air-conditioning and an elevator inside.



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My favourite is traveling, especially going abroad. I love to write about beautiful destinations,tourism events, local people, along with the customs.

World?s Prettiest Lighthouses
